This all kicks off this month!

Well, I have intentionally posted very few things within this space. Due to the fact that from time to time a potential player could look at this space and glean a little more info than I would like to have out there I chose to intentionally not post all of the things here until now. 

June 26th is the kick off time for the home brew Space Hulk 1st edition: "YeOldenHulke". The players will be getting together for the first time and will be rolling some dice and exploring the system within their narrative is set. I will post videos, pictures here and else where on different platforms documenting their progression.

Speaking of, if you have any questions about anything that is occurring within this campaign or have some positive commentary; feel free to email us at 

There is an instagram account at yeoldenhulke as well.

I look forward to seeing old friends and hearing from some new faces as time goes on. 

#Warhammer40000 #SpaceHulk 
