
I had never heard of Warsenal until a close friend mentioned that they have MDF scenery that was built for a game called Infinity. I have never played Infinity but the moment I looked at their Cosmica line of terrain I was hooked. It was apparent where their inspiration was derived from and what I could use the terrain for. I had a simple ask for them to have a grid system setup on the floor tiles and surprisingly they had no problems doing this. Below is the grid system they came up with to be used for the requirements I supplied them with. There are some very cool people working there and I highly recommend a visit to their website. 

The terrain itself comes stock with no paint and it needs to be assembled. Assembly is a surprising breeze. It was really cold out when I began to use rattle cans to apply a primer then the base coats themselves. Not an excuse but I do like the texture that built up afterwards. I will add some really basic shading, highlights and weathering in the next couple months to all of the terrain that is being built. 

Below is an example of two of their pieces of terrain. 


#Warsenal #Warhammer40000 #SpaceHulk
