40k Shipping Containers from Canada

An awesome find from a seller on Ebay! Many of us in this hobby have assembled different "shipping" containers before. Some have been easy to assemble and others difficult. Some recasters have made amazingly affordable versions of these miniatures but at the expense of a new found difficulty to assemble. 

Well, these are not those miniatures. These pieces were 3d modeled and then 3d printed into only three pieces. A front cover, a main body and a rear cover. One side is labeled to help in the assembly process. 

I plan on weathering all of these in one pass to give them some more realism. Well, as realistic as a shipping container in 40k can get ha!

As, I do not have permission to link this person's work; feel to message me if you would like to know where I purchased these. The person that runs their store answers very quickly and is very knowledgeable. 

#Warhmmer40000 #SpaceHulk


I dig the reference image in the background...
C Brando said…
Most certainly! More to come on that exact topic very soon...