I decided to make a board for play testing a space hulk "campain" that I am running out of a black presentation board. The board itself is three panels that fold; many of us know the type that I used for presentations back in the day for college or even further back into the dark ages of high school.
I used what I had at the time which was a right angle square and a ruler to make all the corresponding dots. I decided on a 1" by 1" square across the entire board. Which made me a little dizzy at the time.
I made a few mistakes which led me to go out to the local hardware store and purchase a 4' T-square to finish the project. I am a little unhappy with some of the areas of the board itself but overall not too bad for my first attempt. Since, I guessed at a 1" by 1" tile square I am not sure how it will all play out with models and terrain. Meaning, current Necromunda bases will fit but I am unsure how it will all come together with terrain and miniatures. At the moment I have no terrain to test this out with...yet.