Small, but mighty!

This particular model was my vehicle of choice for trolling back in the day. It is weak in all regards. It is nothing to really give a second glance to at all but to me it was so much more... 

This is a quick machine that made engaging lumbering targets all the more dicey as it had little in the way of armor or armament. What it lacked, because it lacked, it could not even make up for with extra c-bills. No, when you are strapped into one of these you knew the road was paved in good intentions. A lance with this light mech could be used for cannon fodder or force the enemy to waste a turn engaging them. However, like all things it is aptly named after, it cannot be ignored for long. Letting one, two, or an entire lance of these particular mechs become ignored may cause even the most seasoned to be brought down; a little bit at a time and that's all it would need. 

This is a Locust. It is small, but mighty


Adrian Reyes said…
Ive just realized short time ago how the original titans and other mechs looked in 40k. Theyre so different but still unique in some way...
C Brando said…
40k certainly drew some inspiration from Battletech when it came to their "Mech on Mech" I mean "Titan on Titan" combat.

The above mech is from Battletech. That particular sculpt was from the Ral Partha days in the late 1980's and early 1990's.

Battletech is a good time for a tabletop game.