Late one night, several months back, I was up way too late fumbling around on YouTube. I had found an artist that was using watercolors to paint various images of space marines. Much to my surprise he was producing really awesome work in his own style. Adrian had used music to express a tone that really solidified Warhammer 40.000 setting. This is tone that is sometimes difficult to explain to people who have never heard of Games Workshop's tabletop game.
Needless to say, I was super impressed with his work and noticed he had a store on Etsy. Even more shocking to me was that these two original pieces had not sold yet!
Below, are the two links to Adrian's work. Hopefully, you find them as original as I did.
Adrian is a wonderfully talented artist with his own style. I recommend reaching out to him if you need specific free lance work done or you need someone to design a particular piece of artwork. I cannot express enough how talented Adrian is at his craft.
(Ive deleted the past comment and other because Ive posted them on the wrong entry lol)