I have recently been inspired to take up an old hobby again. That hobby brought a lot of happiness to me in my youth. I met a lot of close friends within this hobby, many of whom I still talk to today, and I learned a lot about how patient I could be if I really put my mind to it.
I'll keep it short. I have a lot of old original games-workshop models and paint. I did purchase some new paints, some new tools, some new models and then tried my hand at it all again. After getting a lot good belly laughs at making really simple mistakes I started to find having the training wheels on was a good thing. For example I am not mixing any paints and used only established lines of color to shade and highlight.
Painting used to come easier to me. Now, my hands shake a little more and I find myself squinting a little more but I got a lot good laughs at my mistakes. These models had many layers of paint on them when I started and in some areas the plastic itself had become brittle from age. I stripped the models down the best I could using degreaser and then removed most of the imperfections. Clearly, along the way I have missed some...
All of that being considered and I am always open to criticism:
(Insert the "THIN YOUR PAINTS" meme from YouTube here)
#Retrohammer #Warhammer40000